Average Gas & Electricity Prices per kWh in the UK

The best energy deals on the market might not always offer the the lowest unit prices. This is due to the other factors such as the 'Standing Charge' that is applied each day whether energy is used or not.

There are all sorts of costs that make up your energy bill, but when comparing gas and electricity prices, there are two you need to focus on:

  • Unit rate - Measured in kilowatt hours (kWh), this is the amount you pay for the gas and electricity you use. If you have a fixed tariff, the unit rate is fixed, but your bills will still vary depending upon how much energy you use.
  • Standing charge - This is a fixed daily fee to cover the cost of supplying gas and electricity to your house.

Although the cost of your energy bills ultimately depends upon how much gas and electricity you use each month, if you're looking for the best energy deal, then choose the one with the lowest unit rate and standing charge.

What is the average electricity cost per kwh across the UK?

The average cost of electricity per kWh in the UK is 24.50p. That is a 9.7% increase compared to previous energy price cap rates. Here is the breakdown per region:

Region Average Electricity Price (p/kWh)
London 25.69p
South East 25.24p
Eastern 25.21p
Southern 24.62p
Southern Western 24.18p
N Wales and Mersey 25.39p
South Wales 24.49p
Midlands 23.83p
East Midlands 23.77p
Yorkshire 23.51p
North West 25.01p
Northern 23.19p
Southern Scotland 23.96p
Northern Scotland 24.96p

Standing Charges and Unit Rates based on Ofgem's Price Cap from 1st October 2024

When comparing the electricity unit rates you are paying, it is sometimes helpful to understand what the average electricity cost is in your region. This is because energy prices differ depending on which part of the country you live in.

What is the average electricity standing charge across the UK?

The average standing charge for electricity is 60.99p per day across the UK.

Use the table below to compare your daily standing charge for electricity, to the average cost per region:

Region Average Electricity Standing Charge (p/day)
London 41.59p
South East 57.84p
Eastern 50.84p
Southern 64.28p
Southern Western 68.12p
N Wales and Mersey 67.89p
South Wales 64.12p
Midlands 63.62p
East Midlands 56.90p
Yorkshire 68.32p
North West 52.04p
Northern 72.10p
Southern Scotland 64.17p
Northern Scotland 61.98p

Standing Charges and Unit Rates based on Ofgem's Price Cap from 1st October 2024

What is the average gas price across the UK?

The average cost of gas per kWh across the UK is 6.24p. Here is the breakdown per region:

Region Average Gas Price (p/kWh)
London 6.31p
South East 6.17p
Eastern 6.16p
Southern 6.32p
Southern Western 6.52p
N Wales and Mersey 6.21p
South Wales 6.45p
Midlands 6.20p
East Midlands 6.10p
Yorkshire 6.21p
North West 6.16p
Northern 6.22p
Southern Scotland 6.16p
Northern Scotland 6.16p

Standing Charges and Unit Rates based on Ofgem's Price Cap from 1st October 2024

What is the average gas standing charge in my region?

The average standing charge for gas is is 31.66p per day across the UK. 

Use the table below to compare your daily standing charge for gas, to the average cost per region:

Region Average Gas Standing Charge (p/day)
London 32.00p
South East 31.39p
Eastern 31.43p
Southern 31.30p
Southern Western 31.40p
N Wales and Mersey 31.92p
South Wales 31.83p
Midlands 31.67p
East Midlands 31.49p
Yorkshire 31.73p
North West 31.76p
Northern 31.74p
Southern Scotland 31.80p
Northern Scotland 31.76p

What is a kWh?

A kilowatt-hour (kWh) is the unit of energy that suppliers use to measure how much gas and electricity you're using, and works out at 1,000 watts (W) - or 1 kilowatt (kW) - of energy used for one hour (h).

The amount you pay per kWh will depend upon your supplier and the type of tariff you're on. It's important to know what unit rate, so you know how much you're paying for the energy you use, and can use this figure when comparing gas and electricity prices.

How to calculate appliance energy use

Choosing a deal with a lower unit rate is one of the simplest ways to cut your energy costs, but it also helps to switch to energy efficient appliances, or at least use your existing appliances more efficiently. That's why it helps to know how much energy your appliances use. Use our electricity cost calculator to find out.

The power of your electrical appliances, from light bulbs to washing machines is measured in watts. Once you know this figure, you can work out the running costs of any appliance by multiplying the wattage by the number of hours it's been used, then dividing this figure by 1,000.

A 50W light bulb, for example, would need to be switched on for 20 hours to use 1kWh of energy, while a 200W games console would need to be played for five hours to use 1kWh of energy.

How to compare energy prices per kwh

The simplest way to compare energy prices per kWh is to run an energy price comparison at The Energy Shop. We'll show you a range of money-saving deals, alongside how much each could save you if you switch.

To start your energy comparison, enter your postcode and house number above, and we'll find a deal to cut the cost of your gas and electric bills. You just then need to choose the deal you prefer, and we'll help you switch energy supplier and save money.

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